Thursday, April 1, 2010

In response to some of the Abe FAQs about the Pope in my comic.

It's ironic. Almost daily I receive e-mails and letters from those who tell me that I am going to go to Hell for my "exploitation" of the abortion issue through my book, horrified that I am showing the Pope as an evil entity in the book. Now, below are just two e-mails I've actually received. I selected these ones specifically due to the reference of the Pope.

"I pretty much found your characterization of Catholicism and the Pope to be ignorant..."

"I read the FAQ's. You claim to not bring politics or religion in to this. I see where you have a Pope Palpitine that appears to be evil. The Pope represents the Catholic religion. So why use a religious character that is so dear to the Catholic people?"

My characterization of the Pope is ignorant? The Pope represents the Catholic religion? Ok... I'm going to try and remain objective about this, so here we go.

Fuck you. My characterization of the Pope is EVERYTHING that I have claimed thus far, and the recent scandals in the media have only validated my claims. The Pope is supposed to be the HIGHEST moral standard for Catholics as he claims to be appointed by God for the people to pass a message of purity. Instead this pope served (willingly) as a Nazi in Germany, and has protected several pedophiles to safely operate inside the church without prosecution. The prior Pope had also served the Nazi's as a salesman selling zyklon b, which the Nazi's used to murder millions of Jews in concentration camps. He (much like the current Pope) protected countless pedophiles while preaching the exact opposite. And we want to deify this motherfucker and turn him into a saint?

I'm going to be blunt... Protecting pedophiles from prosecution and willingly assist the Nazi's in the slaughter of Jews is not a high moral standard. In fact, the Vatican has never publicly condemned the Nazi's for their actions. Every single communist had been excommunicated from the Catholic Church, while ZERO Nazi's have been, including Adolf Hitler (who contrary to public belief was actually a Christian and NOT an Atheist.)

Now, people claim that I am quite ignorant when it comes to Catholicism and the religion thereof. Oh how little you know of me. Let me explain. I've read the Bible, the Qua-ran, Torah, Dead Sea Scrolls which includes: The Book of Enoch, Gnostic Bible, and various other forms of religious media because it is important for me to do research based on a topic that I am going to write about. And there is one thing I can tell you above anything else, all you Catholics who e-mail me about how the Pope is the representation of the Catholic Religion. FUCK YOU. He is not. Jesus Christ is the representation to your faith, and more importantly, the symbolism that he had died on a cross for your sins. Are you that fucking stupid that you would forsake the entire foundation of YOUR own religion for some false prophet in a stupid fucking hat?

In closing, I will not define my religious beliefs to those who ask, because it's none of your goddamned business. Just know that when you go ahead and claim that I am ignorant on religion, keep in mind that you don't know a fucking thing about me, and your claims are baseless and prejudice. And to further prove my point, I'm providing a video below on the widening sex scandal of your beloved Pope that you refuse to admit is a Nazi and a Pedophile.

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