Friday, March 19, 2010

Who the Fuck is Jack Chick?

It would appear lately I have been receiving several e-mails, asking whether or not that I am the "next Jack Chick." Now, for the better part of the past week or so, I can safely say that I had no fucking idea who Jack Chick was. So, of course I check out his website to help better educate myself on who this person is that I am allegedly following in the footsteps of.

And Holy Shit... Apparently this Jack Chick character is the asshole who prints up these pamphlets and distributes them to socially retarded religious fanatic fuckbags that hand them out at airports. Yes, now if you've ever been to the airport and received one of those pamphlets that likes to inform you that "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL," than you might be familiar with who this guy is.

Now, I'm no Jack Chick. I mean... where do I begin? I don't think I run around like some inbred fuckbag with a box of .16 cent comics with the intention to hand out the "YOU'RE GOING TO HELL" pamphlets. No, instead I write comic books. Ones with stories and PLOTS! Yes, that's right, Plots. Even Abe the Aborted Fetus has a plot line. Sure you probably think it's offensive and immature, and I wouldn't even argue with you. However, that book has something Jack Chick doesn't... story. I have a beginning, middle end, conflict and resolution.

Hell, looking beyond Abe the Aborted Fetus, I have other books that have NO religious connotation what-so-ever. Echoes of Dawn, a horror/noir book, featuring ghosts, monsters, gore and violence. Or Contagion which is a zombie story that features much of the same (minus the ghosts) INCLUDING A PLOT!

So to conclude my ramblings and to clear the air... I am no Jack Chick, nor would I ever like to be. However, one benefit has arisen from this experience. I at least have a face to the asshole behind those stupid comics I get at the airport before I get on a plane.


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