Saturday, March 13, 2010

First Blog (Introduction)

Well, I just thought I would welcome everyone to my first ever official blog. Sure I have a website, but that is more or less mainly for things pertinent to Trepidation Comics, and the likes thereof.
However, this is my world, and in my world anything goes. First off let me start off by introducing myself. I am Z.M.Thomas, I created Trepidation Comics back in 2004. And of those creations, my most (in)famous is Abe the Aborted Fetus. I am the sole creator and owner of Abe, as well as my other books Echoes of Dawn and Contagion.
Initially, I started off to create a comic company that specialized in horror comics, to follow much in the way of my inspirations (Steve Niles, Ben Templesmith, Robert Kirkman to name a few). However, as time has a funny tendency to change all of that on me, I've decided to open up my writing styles to include several variations of stories and not limit myself to a specific category.

But enough of the company, I've decided to create a blog to do more than focus on just that element of my life. Instead, I'm very much a junkie when it comes to movies, video games, books etc. Here you will probably find me ranting and talking about a lot of various multiple things than JUST my books. So I hope you enjoy, and my first "official" post will be up later tonight... In theory.


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