Thursday, April 8, 2010

Burger King.

Ok, so there's a lot of 'Beef' going on with the new Burger King ad, and quite honestly I don't understand why. Mental health advocates are complaining that Burger King, quoting that the ad is ""blatantly offensive" and say it's perpetuating the stigma that a brain-chemistry disorder inevitably leads to arson, destruction of property and public endangerment."

While at the other end of the spectrum, the writer of this article from Wallet Pop is trying to enforce healthy eating by insinuating that the King should serve the same fate as Eddie Antar, who went to jail for crimes of 'creative finance."

Now, that doesn't make any sense to me, seeing as how I don't think eating a 970 calorie meal with 61 grams of fat (according to both the article and Burger King's website) is in the same category of 'creative financing.' In fact, I don't think creating a food meant for the occasional consumer to enjoy on his own dollar and time is a crime at all. Instead, I find this asshole who wrote the article much of the same people who like taking personal freedoms and indulgences and pissing all over them while trying to shove their two inch barbed cock up your ass in the hopes of ruining your right as a consumer to choose which product you will and will not support.

Personally, I enjoy Burger King from time to time, and I also enjoy their ads. Sure they're often ridiculous and creepy, but they're always amusing. It's unfortunate however, that Burger King has pulled the ad due to pressure from the hardcore liberal doctors who try and find fault with anything that is in some way focusing on a little bit of a stereotype. I mean, let's face it... Crazy people aren't going to be offended by this ad, because there's an old adage that says something along the lines of those who are actually crazy don't believe that they are. Now, who are offended? Doctors. Doctors who don't like it when you use the word crazy, or retarded, but then again I don't care.

I understand the promoting of healthy eating, and I am all for it. There are too many fat kids nowadays anyway, and not enough ventilation to mask the odor of the under-folds of fat sweat. (Yes, if you've been in a waiting room with a bunch of fat kids, that's an odor you won't soon forget.) However, do it by creating alternatives, and not just by saying someone else should do it for you. That's just lazy. Those who complain about things without doing anything about it are mentally fat, they're so used to bitching about something until someone else does something about it, so they can continue doing the one thing they've done all along... NOTHING.

Anyway here's the website to read the article: Ad Rant: Mental health advocates not so nuts about cheesy Burger King ad

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