Issue: Contagion #1
Writer: Z.M. Thomas
Pencils: Cliff Richards
Colors: Mike Bartollo
Letters: Zach Matheny
Cover: Chris Bolson
Publisher: Trepidation Comics
Release Date: February 2010
Pages: 24
Price: $4.99
“TREPIDATION COMICS’ brand new Zombie graphic novel featuring a brand new story from Z.M.Thomas, artwork from Cliff Richards and colors from Mike Bartolo.”
Artwork: 3.5 out of 5.0
This is good looking comic book. From panel to panel the characters stay true to each other and the zombies have a great look to them. The story takes place at night so it is a little dark, and I kinda get thrown off when there isn’t a lot of background detail, but the characters have a good amount. Just a small thing that gets me. Overall though it comes together great and the final page is Gore-geous.
Story: 4.0 out of 5.0
For what I will say starts off as a typical zombie story, this one has a great feel to it. It is fast paced, but it does consist of what I look for in a first issue. A nice plot to keep me going, a good introduction to the main cast and an ending that makes you want to come back for more. I really liked that all of those were covered in this one, it just felt to move a little too fast.
Dying Breath: 3.5 out of 5.0
The story is really great and an ending like that just screams I need to read more. The artwork was really nice but a tad dark, which is expected for a story taking place a night, but maybe a little too dark. However this issue was really great and while it does present a traditional zombie start to this series I still find myself wanting to know more and more. Worth checking out and hopefully the quality stays just like this and we will have another great zombie book on our hands.
If you would like to buy or know more about Contagion #1 please check out http://www.trepidation-comics.com/