I think I might actually be in shock. My book is coming to life in some sort of weird fucked up, unimaginable way? Read the article I found at:
Report of Surviving Aborted Baby Sparks Furor in Italy Terence Neilan
(April 30)
-- As far as the doctors in southern Italy were concerned, the abortion was over. When a priest reportedly found the 22-week-old infant still breathing the next day, he was rushed to intensive care, but efforts to save him failed and the 11-ounce baby died.
The first-time mother was said to have chosen the abortion after scans revealed that the baby had a cleft lip and palate, a condition that is often cured with surgery.
News of the incident has caused a storm in Italy, The Daily Telegraph of London reported today, with calls for the heavily Catholic country's abortion laws to be changed.
The police are investigating for possible homicide because doctors in Italy are obliged to try to preserve the life of a child who survives abortion, and the government has vowed to conduct an inquiry.
The Rev. Antonio Martello raised the alarm after kneeling to pray beside the body at a hospital in Rossano. He found the baby, with umbilical cord still attached, moving and breathing some 20 hours after he had been removed from the womb.
Doctors at a specialist neo-natal clinic at a nearby hospital were unable to save the infant's life.
Archbishop Santo Marciano of Rossano-Cariati said the abortion should lead Italians to reflect on "the tragic character of abortion" and said the child's death also "invites us to consider with what ease a person who is seriously malformed and simply undesired is treated inhumanely," the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano reported.
The Telegraph reported that a former Vatican official, Bishop Elio Sgreccia, told Vatican Radio that if a baby is alive after an abortion, the doctor "is obliged to make it live," adding, "The law must clarify this."
Abortion on demand in the first three months of pregnancy has been available in Italy since 1978 but is restricted in the second trimester to circumstances such as disability, The Telegraph said, adding that the government is considering a review of the laws.